.. _ref-chalemelon: .. comment:: This page is a copy of https://github.com/futuresystems/class-admin-tools/blob/master/chameleon/big-data-stack.org prepared by Badi Chameleon Cloud =============================================================================== Chameleon Cloud provides OpenStack Cloud with KVM or Baremetal for developing with the Big Data Stack. https://www.chameleoncloud.org/ Chameleon Cloud provides an environment for experimenting with cloud environments. This class does not support use of Chameleon cloud for any assignment or project work but computing resources may be available upon request with limited access and allocation. There are some differences between FutureSystems OpenStack and Chameleon OpenStack. - different login usernames (``cc`` for all instead of ``ubuntu``, ``centos``, etc) for the images - limited resource availability - resource usage is charged to a finite allocation (thus you need to terminate your instances if you do not use them). Getting Access ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Closed as of 08/02/2016 ** 1. Create an account on [[https://www.chameleoncloud.org/][Chameleon Cloud]] 2. Send your Chameleon username to Note: the subject *MUST* be #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE Chameleon Cloud Access #+END_EXAMPLE 3. We will then add you to the project for this course. *IMPORTANT*: you will not be able to use Chameleon until you are added. We will reply to your request with a confirmation email. Setup Instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ssh into ``india.futuresystems.org`` 2. Go to the `Chameleon Cloud OpenStack Dashboard `_ and download the openrc file (check under the ``API Access`` tab) 3. Upload the openrc file to the ``india`` node:: $ scp CH-817724-openrc.sh $PORTALID@india.futuresystems.org:~ 4. Upload your india ssh key to your `profile on github.com `_:: albert@i136 ~ $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 5. Source the openrc file (*only* the chameleon openrc file):: albert@i136 ~ $ source ~/CH-817724-openrc.sh 6. Load the OpenStack module (same as with kilo on india):: albert@i136 ~ $ module load openstack At this point you the nova commands will control Chameleon. Big Data Stack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can now follow the `Big Data Stack Readme `_ for starting and deploying your BDS Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ``apt`` related errors You may occasionally get an error when one of the tasks calls to apt, either to update the cache or install packages. This will likely manifest as a ``Failed to fetch`` with an ``Error 403 Forbidden`` error. The root cause for this is not yet known, but it seems related to a network saturation issue. Nonetheless, the workaround is simple: rerun the playbook that failed. This may need to be repeated a few times, but this has been sufficient to resolve the issue when I encounter them.