FAQ ==== I am full time student at IUPUI? Can I take the online version? --------------------------------------------------------------- I suggest you verify this with the international student office and the registrar if you are an international student. There may be some restrictions for international students. Also some degree programs may have a limit or do not allow to take online classes. It will be up to you to verify the requirements with the appropriate administrators. I am a residential student can I take the online version only? -------------------------------------------------------------- If you are an international student or a student of a particular degree program restrictions may be placed in if and how many online courses you can take. It will be up to you to contact the appropriate administrative departments including the international student office to verify what is allowed for you. In general international students have such restrictions. Please find out what they are and which section of the course is appropriate for you. Do I need to buy a textbook? ---------------------------- No, the resources will be provided for every unit. However, there are some optional textbooks if you would like to purchase one. #. “Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with Advanced Analytics”, Bill Franks Wiley ISBN: 978-1-118-20878-6 #. “Doing Data Science: Straight Talk from the Frontline”, Cathy O'Neil, Rachel Schutt, O'Reilly Media, ISBN 978-1449358655 Do I need a computer to participate in this class? -------------------------------------------------- Obviously if you are an online student you do need a computer. If you are a residential student the facilities provided by SOIC will be sufficient. However, as you study involves computers, its probably important to evaluate if a computer will make your work easier. If it comes to what computer to buy we really do not have a good recommendation as this depends on your budget. A computer running Linux or OSX makes programming probably easier. A windows computer has the advantage of also being able to run Word and ppt. A cheap machine with multiple cores and sufficient memory (4GB+) is a good idea. A SSD will make access to data especially if large data snappy. For this reason I myself use a Mac, but you probably can get much cheaper machines with similar specs elsewhere. Representative Bibliography ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. `Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity `__ #. `Big Data Spring 2015 Class `__ Where is the official IU calendar for the Fall? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please follow this `link `__ How to write a research article on computer science --------------------------------------------------- #. `http://www.wv.inf.tu-dresden.de/Teaching/SS-2012/howto/writing.pdf `__ #. `https://globaljournals.org/guidelines-tips/research-paper-publishing `__  #. `http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/etc/writing-style.html `__  #. `https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-write-a-research-paper-for-a-computer-science-journal `__  How to you use bibliography managers JabRef & Endnote or Mendeley ----------------------------------------------------------------- #. `http://www.jabref.org/ `__  #. `http://endnote.com/ `__  #. `http://libguides.utoledo.edu/c.php?g=284330&p=1895338 `__  #. `https://www.mendeley.com/ `__  #. `https://community.mendeley.com/guides/using-citation-editor/05-creating-bibliography `__  Plagiarism test and resources related to that --------------------------------------------- #. `https://www.grammarly.com/plagiarism-checker `__  #. `http://turnitin.com/ `__  #. `http://www.plagscan.com/plagiarism-check/ `__ How many hours will this course take to work on every week? ----------------------------------------------------------- This question can not rely be answered precisely. Typically we have 2-3 hours video per week. However starting from that its difficult to put a real number down as things amy also depend on your background. * The programming load is modest, but requires knowledge in python which you may have to learn outside of this class. * Some students have more experience than others, thus it may be possible to put in 6 hours per week overall, but other may have to put in 12 hours, while yet others may enjoy this class so much that they spend a lot more hours. * We will certainly not stopping you form spending time in the class. It will be up to you to figure out how much time you willl spend. * Please remem ber that procrastenation will not pay of in this class. * The project or term paper will take a significant amount of time.