Introduction to Python


Portions of this lesson have been adapted from the official Python Tutorial copyright Python Software Foundation.


Python is an easy to learn programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s simple syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms.

The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are freely available in source or binary form for all major platforms from the Python Web site,, and may be freely distributed. The same site also contains distributions of and pointers to many free third party Python modules, programs and tools, and additional documentation.

The Python interpreter is easily extended with new functions and data types implemented in C or C++ (or other languages callable from C). Python is also suitable as an extension language for customizable applications.

Python is an interpreted, dynamic, high-level programming language suitable for a wide range of applications. The The Zen of Python summarizes some of its philosophy including:

  • Explicit is better than implicit
  • Simple is better than complex
  • Complex is better than complicated
  • Readability counts

The main features of Python are:

  • Use of indentation whitespace to indicate blocks
  • Object orient paradigm
  • Dynamic typing
  • Interpreted runtime
  • Garbage collected memory management
  • a large standard library
  • a large repository of third-party libraries

Python is used by many companies (such as Google, Yahoo!, CERN, NASA) and is applied for web development, scientific computing, embedded applications, artificial intelligence, software development, and information security, to name a few.

This tutorial introduces the reader informally to the basic concepts and features of the Python language and system. It helps to have a Python interpreter handy for hands-on experience, but all examples are self-contained, so the tutorial can be read off-line as well.

This tutorial does not attempt to be comprehensive and cover every single feature, or even every commonly used feature. Instead, it introduces many of Python’s most noteworthy features, and will give you a good idea of the language’s flavor and style. After reading it, you will be able to read and write Python modules and programs, and you will be ready to learn more about the various Python library modules.


Python is easy to install and very good instructions for most platforms can be found on the Web page. We will be using Python 2.7.12 but not Python 3.

We assume that you have a computer with python installed. However, we recommend that you use pythons virtualenv to isolate your development python from the system installed python.


If you are not familiar with virtualenv, please read up on it.

Alternative Installations

The best installation of python is provided by python.og. However others claim to have alternative environments that allow you to install python. This includes

Typically they include not only the python compiler but also several useful packages. It is fine to use such environments for the class, but it should be noted that in both cases not every python library may be available for install in the given environment. For example if you need to use cloudmesh client, it may not be available as conda or Canopy package. This is also the case for many other cloud related and useful python libraries. Hence, we do recommend that if you are new to python to use the distribution form, and use pip and virtualenv.

Additionally some python version have platform specific libraries or dependencies. For example coca libraries, .NET or other frameworks are examples. For the assignments and the projects such platform dependent libraries are not to be used.

If however you can write a platform independent code that works on Linux, OSX and Windows while using the version but develop it with any of the other tools that is just fine. However it is up to you to guarantee that this independence is maintained and implemented. You do have to write requirements.txt files that will install the necessary python libraries in a platform independent fashion. The homework assignment PRG1 has even a requirement to do so.

In order to provide platform independence we have given in the class a “minimal” python version that we have tested with hundreds of students: If you use any other version, that is your decision. Additionally some students not only use but have used iPython which is fine too. However this class is not only about python, but also about how to have your code run on any platform. The homework is designed so that you can identify a setup that works for you.

However we have concerns if you for example wanted to use chameleon cloud which we require you to access with cloudmesh. cloudmesh is not available as conda, canopy, or other framework package. Cloudmesh client is available form pypi which is standard and should be supported by the frameworks. We have not tested cloudmesh on any other python version then which is the open source community standard. None of the other versions are standard.

In fact we had students over the summer using canopy on their machines and they got confused as they now had multiple python versions and did not know how to switch between them and activate the correct version. Certainly if you know how to do that, than feel free to use canopy, and if you want to use canopy all this is up to you. However the homework and project requires you to make your program portable to If you know how to do that even if you use canopy, anaconda, or any other python version that is fine. Graders will test your programs on a installation and not canpoy, anaconda, ironpython while using virtualenv. It is obvious why. If you do not know that answer you may want to think about that every time they test a program they need to do a new virtualenv and run vanilla python in it. If we were to run two instals in the same system, this will not work as we do not know if one student will cause a side effect for another. Thus we as instructors do not just have to look at your code but code of hundreds of students with different setups. This is a non scalable solution as every time we test out code from a student we would have to wipe out the OS, install it new, install an new version of whatever python you have elected, become familiar with that version and so on and on. This is the reason why the open source community is using We follow best practices. Using other versions is not a community best practice, but may work for an individual.

We have however in regards to using other python version additional bonus projects such as

  • deploy run and document cloudmesh on ironpython
  • deploy run and document cloudmesh on anaconde, develop script to generate a conda packge form github
  • deploy run and document cloudmesh on canopy, develop script to generate a conda packge form github
  • deploy run and document cloudmesh on ironpython
  • other documentation that would be useful


If you are unfamiliar with programming in Python, we also refer you to some of the numerous online resources. You may wish to start with Learn Python or the book Learn Python the Hard Way. Other options include Tutorials Point or Code Academy, and the Python wiki page contains a long list of references for learning as well. Additional resources include:

A very long list of useful information are also available from

This list may be useful as it also contains links to data visualization and manipulation libraries, and AI tools and libraries. Please note that for this class you can reuse such libraries if not otherwise stated.


In order to conduct this lesson you should

  • A computer with python 2.7.x
  • Familiarity with commandline usage
  • A text editor such as PyCharm, emacs, vi or others. You should identity which works best for you and set it up.
  • We do not recommend anaconda, or canopy as we ran into issues once you do some more advanced python. Instead we recommend you use pip and virtualenv. If you are unfamiliar with these tools, please consult the manual and tutorials available for it on the internet.

Learning Goals

At the end of this lesson you will be able to:

  • use Python
  • use the interactive Python interface
  • understand the basic syntax of Python
  • write and run Python programs stored in a file
  • have an overview of the standard library
  • install Python libraries using virtualenv

Using Python on FutureSystems


This is only important if you use Futuresystems resources.

In order to use Python you must log into your FutureSystems account. Then at the shell prompt execute the following command:

$ module load python

This will make the python and virtualenv commands available to you.


The details of what the module load command does are described in the future lesson modules.

Interactive Python

Python can be used interactively. Start by entering the interactive loop by executing the command:

$ python

You should see something like the following:

Python 2.7 (r27:82500, Aug 10 2010, 11:35:15)
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

The >>> is the prompt for the interpreter. This is similar to the shell interpreter you have been using.


Often we show the prompt when illustrating an example. This is to provide some context for what we are doing. If you are following along you will not need to type in the prompt.

This interactive prompt does the following:

  • read your input commands
  • evaluate your command
  • print the result of evaluation
  • loop back to the beginning.

This is why you may see the interactive loop referred to as a REPL: Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop.


Statements and Strings

Let us explore the syntax of Python. Type into the interactive loop and press Enter:

print "Hello world from Python!"

The output will look like this:

>>> print "Hello world from Python!"
Hello world from Python!

What happened: the print statement was given a string to process. A statement in Python, like print tells the interpreter to do some primitive operation. In this case, print mean: write the following message to the standard output.


Standard output is discussed in the /class/lesson/linux/shell lesson.

The “thing” we are print``ing in the case the the **string** ``Hello world from Python!. A string is a sequence of characters. A character can be a alphabetic (A through Z, lower and upper case), numeric (any of the digits), white space (spaces, tabs, newlines, etc), syntactic directives (comma, colon, quotation, exclamation, etc), and so forth. A string is just a sequence of the character and typically indicated by surrounding the characters in double quotes.

So, what happened when you pressed Enter? The interactive Python program read the line print "Hello world from Python!", split it into the print statement and the "Hello world from Python!" string, and then executed the line, showing you the output.


You can store data into a variable to access it later. For instance, instead of:

>>> print "Hello world from Python!"

which is a lot to type if you need to do it multiple times, you can store the string in a variable for convenient access:

>>> hello = "Hello world from Python!"
>>> print hello
Hello world from Python!


A boolean is a value that indicates the “truthness” of something. You can think of it as a toggle: either “on” or “off”, “one” or “zero”, “true” or “false”. In fact, the only possible values of the boolean (or bool) type in Python are:

  • True
  • False

You can combine booleans with boolean operators:

  • and
  • or
>>> print True and True
>>> print True and False
>>> print False and False
>>> print True or True
>>> print True or False
>>> print False or False

Numbers and Math

The interactive interpreter can also be used as a calculator. For instance, say we wanted to compute a multiple of 21:

>>> print 21 * 2

We saw here the print statement again. We passed in the result of the operation 21 * 2. An integer (or int) in Python is a numeric value without a fractional component (those are called floating point numbers, or float for short).

The mathematical operators compute the related mathematical operation to the provided numbers. Some operators are:

  • * — multiplication
  • / — division
  • + — addition
  • - — subtraction
  • ** — exponent

Exponentiation is read as x**y is x to the yth power:


You can combine floats and ints:

>>> print 3.14 * 42 / 11 + 4 - 2
>>> print 2**3

Note that operator precedence is important. Using parenthesis to indicate affect the order of operations gives a difference results, as expected:

>>> print 3.14 * (42 / 11) + 4 - 2
>>> print 1 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 5.0
>>> print (1 + 2) * (3 - 4) / 5.0

Types and Using the REPL

We have so far seen a few examples of types: strings, bools, ints, and floats. A type indicates that values of that type support a certain set of operations. For instance, how would you exponentiate a string? If you ask the interpreter, this results in an error:

>>> "hello"**3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): 'str' and 'int'

There are many different types beyond what we have seen so far, such as dictionariess, lists, sets. One handy way of using the interactive python is to get the type of a value using type():

  >>> type(42)
  <type 'int'>
  >>> type(hello)

<type 'str'>
  >>> type(3.14)
  <type 'float'>

You can also ask for help about something using help():

>>> help(int)
>>> help(list)
>>> help(str)


Using help() opens up a pager. To navigate you can use the spacebar to go down a page w to go up a page, the arrow keys to go up/down line-by-line, or q to exit.

Control Statements

Computer programs do not only execute instructions. Occasionally, a choice needs to be made. Such as a choice is based on a condition. Python has several conditional operators:

>   greater than
<   smaller than
==  equals
!=  is not

Conditions are always combined with variables. A program can make a choice using the if keyword. For example:

x = int(input("Tell X"))
if x == 4:
    print('You guessed correctly!')
print('End of program.')

When you execute this program it will always print ‘End of program’, but the text ‘You guessed correctly!’ will only be printed if the variable x equals to four (see table above). Python can also execute a block of code if x does not equal to 4. The else keyword is used for that.

x = int(input("What is the value of  X"))

if x == 4:
    print('You guessed correctly!')
    print('Wrong guess')

print('End of program.')


To repeat code, the for keyword can be used. To execute a line of code 10 times we can do:

for i in range(1,11):

The last number (11) is not included. This will output the numbers 1 to 10. Python itself starts counting from 0, so this code will also work:

for i in range(0,10):

but will output 0 to 9.

The code is repeated while the condition is True. In this case the condition is: i < 10. Every iteration (round), the variable i is updated.Nested loops Loops can be combined:

for i in range(0,10):
    for j in range(0,10):
        print(i,' ',j)

In this case we have a multidimensional loops. It will iterate over the entire coordinate range (0,0) to (9,9)


To repeat lines of code, you can use a function. A function has a unique distinct name in the program. Once you call a function it will execute one or more lines of codes, which we will call a code block.

import math

def computePower(a):
    value = math.pow(a,2)


We call the function with parameter a = 3 . A function can be called several times with varying parameters. There is no limit to the number of function calls.

The def keyword tells Python we define a function. Always use four spaces to indent the code block, using another number of spaces will throw a syntax error.

It is also possible to store the output of a function in a variable. To do so, we use the keyword return.

import math

def computePower(a):
    value = math.pow(a,2)
    return value

result = computePower(3)


A class is a way to take a grouping of functions and data and place them inside a container, so you can access them with the . (dot) operator.

    class Fruit(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.tangerine = "are organge-colored citrus fruit, which is closely related to a mandarin organge"

    def apple(self):
        print "Apples are rich in antioxidants, flavanoids, and dietary fiber!"

thing = Fruit()
print thing.tangerine

Writing and Saving Programs

Make sure you are no longer in the interactive interpreter. If you are you can type quit() and press Enter to exit.

You can save your programs to files which the interpreter can then execute. This has the benefit of allowing you to track changes made to your programs and sharing them with other people.

Start by opening a new file

$ nano

Now enter write a simple program and save:

print "Hello world!"

As a check, make sure the file contains the expected contents:

$ cat
print "Hello world!"

To execute your program pass the file as a parameter to the python command:

$ python
Hello world!

Congratulations, you have written a Python module. Files in which Python directives are stored are called modules

You can make this programs more interesting as well. Let’s write a program that asks the user to enter a number, n, and prints out the n-th number in the Fibonacci sequence:

$ emacs
import sys

def fib(n):
    Return the nth fibonacci number

    The nth fibonacci number is defined as follows:
    Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2
    F2 = 1
    F1 = 1
    F0 = 0

    if n == 0:
        return 0
    elif n == 1:
        return 1
        return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = int(sys.argv[1])
    print fib(n)

We can now run this like so:

$ python 5

Let break this down a bit. The first part:

python 5

can be translated to say:

The Python interpreter python should run the program and pass it the parameter 5.

The interpreter then looks at the file and begins to execute it. The first line it encounters is:

import sys

This line consists of the import keyword. Here import attempts to load the sys module, which has several useful items.

Next the interpreter sees the def keyword. The begins the definition of a function, called fib here. Our fib function takes a single argument, named n within the function definition.

Next we begin a multi-line string between the triple double-quotes. Python can take this string and create documentation from it.

The fib function returns the n-th number in the Fibonacci sequence. This sequence is mathematically defined as (where n is subscripted):

\[\begin{split}F_0 &= 0 \\ F_1 &= 1 \\ F_n &= F_{n-1} + F_{n-2}\end{split}\]

This translates to Python as:

 if n == 0:
   return 0
 elif n == 1:
return 1
   return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

Next we have the block:

if __name__ == '__main__':

If the interpreter is running this module then there will be a variable __name__ whose value is __main__. This if statement checks for this condition and executes this block if the check passed.


Try removing the if __name__ == '__main__' block and run the program. How does it behave differently? What about if you replace with something like:

print fib(5)
print fib(10)

The next line:

n = int(sys.argv[1])

does three different things. First it gets the value in the sys.argv array at index 1. This was the parameter 5 we originally passed to our program:

$ python 5

Substituting the parameter in, the line can be rewritten as:

n = int("5")

We see that the 5 is represented as a string. However, we need to use integers for the fib function. We can use int to convert "5" to 5

We now have:

n = 5

which assigns the value 5 to the variable n. We can now call fib(n) and print the result.

Installing Libraries

Often you may need functionality that is not present in Python’s standard library. In this case you have two option:

  • implement the features yourself
  • use a third-party library that has the desired features.

Often you can find a previous implementation of what you need. Since this is a common situation, there is a service supporting it: the Python Package Index (or PyPi for short).

Our task here is to install the `autopep8`_ tool from PyPi. This will allow us to illustrate the use if virtual environments using the virtualenv command, and installing and uninstalling PyPi packages using pip.

Virtual Environments

Often when you use shared computing resources, such as you will not have permission to install applications in the default global location.

Let’s see where grep is located:

$ which grep

It seems that there are many programs installed in /bin such as mkdir and pwd:

$ ls /bin
alsacard    dbus-cleanup-sockets  env             hostname         mailx          pwd
alsaunmute  dbus-daemon           ex              igawk            mkdir          raw

If we wished to add a new program it seems like putting it in /bin is the place to start. Let’s create an empty file /bin/hello-$PORTALNAME:

$ touch /bin/hello-$(whoami)
touch: cannot touch `/bin/hello-albert': Permission denied


Recall that $PORTALNAME is your username on FutureSystems, which can also be obtained using the whoami shell command. t seems that this is not possible. Since india is a shared resources not all users should be allowed to make changes that could affect everyone else. Only a small number of users, the administrators, have the ability to globally modify the system.

We can still create our program in our home directory:

$ touch ~/hello-$(whoami)

but this becomes cumbersome very quickly if we have a large number of programs to install. Additionally, it is not a good idea to modify the global environment of one’s computing system as this can lead to instability and bizarre errors.

A virtual environment is a way of encapsulating and automating the creation and use of a computing environment that is consistent and self-contained.

The tool we use with Python to accomplish this is called virtualenv.

Let’s try it out. Start by cleaning up our test earlier and going into the home directory:

$ rm ~/hello-$(whoami)
$ cd ~

Now lets create a virtual env:

$ virtualenv ENV
PYTHONHOME is set.  You *must* activate the virtualenv before using it
New python executable in ENV/bin/python
Installing setuptools............done.
Installing pip...............done.

When using virtualenv you pass the directory where you which to create the virtual environment, in this case ENV in the current (home) directory. We are then told that we must activate the virtual environment before using it and that the python program, setuptools, and pip are installed.

Let’s see what we have:

$ ls ENV/bin
activate  activate.csh  easy_install
easy_install-2.7  pip  pip-2.7  python  python2  python2.7

It seems that there are several programs installed. Let’s see where our current python is and what happens after activating this environment:: $ which python

/N/soft/python/2.7/bin/python $ source ENV/bin/activate (ENV) $ which python ~/ENV/bin/python


As virtualenv stated, you must activate the virtual environment before it can be used.


Notice how the shell prompt changed upon activation.

Fixing Bad Code

Let’s now look at another important tool for Python development: the Python Package Index, or PyPI for short. PyPI provides a large set of third-party python packages. If you want to do something in python, first check pypi, as odd are someone already ran into the problem and created a package solving it.

I’m going to demonstrate creating a user python environment, installing a couple packages from pypi, and use them to examine some code.

First, get the bad code like so:

$ wget --no-check-certificate -O

Let’s examine the code:

$ nano

As you can see, this is very dense and hard to read. Cleaning it up by hand would be a time-consuming and error-prone process. Luckily, this is a common problem so there exist a couple packages to help in this situation.

Using pip to install packages

In order to install package from PyPI, use the pip command. We can search for PyPI for packages:

$ pip search --trusted-host autopep8 pylint

It appears that the top two results are what we want so install them:

$ pip install --trusted-host autopep8 pylint

This will cause pip to download the packages from PyPI, extract them, check their dependencies and install those as needed, then install the requested packages.


You can skip ‘–trusted-host’ option if you have a patch on urllib3 on Python 2.7.9.

Using autopep8

We can now run the bad code through autopep8 to fix formatting problems:

$ autopep8 >

Let’s look at the result. This is considerably better than before. It is easy to tell what the example1 and example2 functions are doing.

It is a good idea to develop a habit of using autopep8 in your python-development workflow. For instance: use autopep8 to check a file, and if it passes, make any changes in place using the -i flag:

$ autopep8    # check output to see of passes
$ autopep8 -i # update in place

Further Learning

There is much more to python than what we have covered here:

  • conditional expression (if, if...then,``if..elif..then``)
  • function definition(def)
  • class definition (class)
  • function positional arguments and keyword arguments
  • lambda expression
  • iterators
  • generators
  • loops
  • docopts
  • humanize


you can receive extra credit if you contribute such a section of your choice addressing the above topics


Lab - Python - FizzBuzz

Write a python program called that accepts an integer n from the command line. Pass this integer to a function called fizzbuzz.

The fizzbuzz function should then iterate from 1 to n. If the ith number is a multiple of three, print “fizz”, if a multiple of 5 print “buzz”, if a multiple of both print “fizzbuzz”, else print the value.

Lab - Python - Setup for FutureSystems

  1. Create a virtualenv ~/ENV
  2. Modify your ~/.bashrc shell file to activate your environment upon login.
  3. Install the docopt python package using pip
  4. Write a program that uses docopt to define a commandline program. Hint: modify the FizzBuzz program.
  5. Demonstrate the program works and submit the code and output.



Often you have your own computer and you do not like to change its environment to keep it in prestine condition. Python comes with mnay libraries that could for example conflict with libraries that you have installed. To avoid this it is bets to work in an isolated python environment while using virtualenv,. Documentation about it can be found at:


The installation is simple once you have pip installed. If it is not installed you can say:

$ easy_install pip

After that you can install the virtual env with:

$ pip install virtualenv

To setup an isolated environment for example in the directory ~/ENV please use:

$ virtualenv ~/ENV

To activate it you can use the command:

$ source ~/ENV/bin/activate

you can put this command n your bashrc or bash_profile command so you do not forget to activate it.


The Python Package Index is a large repository of software for the Python programming language containing a large number of packages [link]. The nice think about pipy is that many packages can be installed with the program ‘pip’.

To do so you have to locate the <package_name> for example with the search function in pypi and say on the commandline:

pip install <package_name>

where pagage_name is the string name of the package. an example would be the package called fabric which you can install with:

pip install fabric

If all goes well the package will be installed.