PRG-GEO: Geolocation

For whom: only those doing a term paper, those doing a project must focus on their project

Task: Write a program which will be plotting geolocation data from data of the class students.

Due date: Dec 9th

Dataset: geolocation.csv:


  • tablaeu and plotly will not be allowed
  • the geolocation data will be provided as the studens have typed it in, you will be responsible to clean it up via a program
  • you will be using python or javascript to display the data (you do not have to learn javascript if you do not know this, as there are many python libraries that can do this for you. There are even programs on the web published that do this in under 10 lines of code)
  • you are responsible for identifying how you display the data (it does not just have to be a map). Multiple views are possible. you will deal with issues such as multiple people being in the same town/location
  • HINT: plotting the location is mandatory, but what other visualizations are useful? Clustering? Partner search? Others ...?
  • program must be checked in in github and have documentation and a README.rst